Oral Histories
The Oral Histories Program is for First Nations and/or organizations in B.C. with a mandate or a focus that includes Indigenous heritage. This grant supports the recording of oral histories that are focused on how Indigenous communities and individuals survived and lived through difficult times in the past.
World War II
inca kn ɬə qʷyxnmitkʷ xʷst̕əlk̓y̓aʔ, uɬ kn xəxnut (xəxnɬupnkst əɬ) uɬ naqs spintk uɬ xaʔ alaʔ l̕ ank̓mip ki kn k̓ʷul̕l, uɬ itliʔ kn ɬə… kn ɬə… u … xəxnut spintk ki iʔ tyaqʷt iʔ … iʔ samaʔ iʔ k̓l … iʔ k̓l … ixiʔ ɬə t̕ʕapnwixʷəl̕x … ixiʔ k̓ ansq̓ʷt ki t̕ʕapnwixʷəl̕x uɬ xiʔ atlaʔ xʷʔit ik̓l̕iʔ xʷuyy uɬ iʔ tyaqʷtəl̕x … uɬ ah… mat kn … ah … kn … iʔ tyaqʷtəl̕x … uɬ ah k̓l ʔupnkst əɬ cilkst … ki kn ɬə ʔupnkst əɬ cilkst ki ƛ̓apəl̕x. uɬ ixiʔ taɬt iʔ sq̓sapiʔs … q̓sapiʔ kʷa ixiʔ mat muspintk styaqʷsəl̕x … kn nstil̕s. uɬ iʔ sc̓iɬn taliʔ lut t̕ xʷʔit alaʔ. k̓ik̓m kʷu sc̓spcins. uɬ iʔ government kʷu xʷic̓ɬtm tə q̓ymin mɬ kʷu xʷuyy mɬ kʷu ckʷnim tə ksc̓iɬntət, nʔisntm uɬ iʔ k̓ʷiƛ̓t iʔ tə q̓ymin … uɬ nixʷ kʷa kʷu ck̓ʷanɬkm iʔ l̕ scaqʷ uɬ ah … mɬ iʔ l̕ … ɬə pl̕al mɬ ixiʔ ɬkʷumntm iʔ l̕ sʔistk mɬ iʔ k̓l snɬqʷmin kʷumntm mɬ ixiʔ iʔ l̕ … iʔ l̕ … ixiʔ … ixiʔ mɬ … ah nixʷ … k̓ʷulməl̕x tə x̌w̓ntisəl̕xs iʔ … iʔ sɬiqʷ … iʔ sƛ̓acinm km iʔ qaqxʷl̕x uɬ iʔ tə siyaʔ uɬ iʔ tə sp̓iƛ̓m uɬ iʔ tə l̕ti … xiʔ yʕat kʷumntm uɬ scx̌ilx ki ʕapnaʔ ki putiʔ kn alaʔ … ixiʔ.
By Jane Stelkia
December 20 2021
Helping each other
by Jane Stelkia
sq̓aʔxəxinak –Today is January 29, 2022. We are recording qʷyxnmitkʷ, Jane Stelkia. Jane are you willing to be recorded?
qʷyxnmitkʷ - Yes.
sq̓aʔxəxinak – We are recording you for historical purposes to save to save the language so that the students or anyone that’s interested can have something to listen to. It will be kept on file at Osoyoos Indian Band Language House as well as Osoyoos Indian Band office in the archives.
qʷyxnmitkʷ - Yes.
sq̓aʔxəxinak – Ok ahm You can start by … swit askʷist?... uɬ asnqsilxʷ? … uɬ k̓akin ki kʷ mut?
qʷyxnmitkʷ - incaʔ kn ɬ qʷyxnmitkʷ xʷst̕əlk̓ayaʔ uɬ isnqsilxʷ, istmtimaʔ klistin ah… susap uɬ intum … intum sʕapxnalqs uɬ inmistm piliks xʷst̕əlk̓ayaʔ uɬ k̓a nk̓mip xa iʔ l̕ sqlxʷulaʔxʷ ki kn k̓ʷul̕l
sq̓aʔxəxinak - ɬə q̓sapiʔ ha p knknxtwixʷ cmay ɬa cw̓pulaʔxʷm?
qʷyxnmitkʷ - ki. way̓, kʷa yaʕyʕat əcknknxtwixʷəlx q̓sapiʔ mɬ kʷa iʔ sw̓pulaʔxʷ… iʔ snw̓pulaʔxʷtn taliʔ xʷʔit uɬ ixiʔ ɬə nik̓laʔxʷəlx mɬ ixiʔ yaʕt iʔ knknxtwixʷəlx iʔ k̓l naqs iʔ k̓l iʔ snw̓pulaʔxʷtn mɬ ah… yʕat k̓ʷulməlx mɬ… mɬ yaʕt ixiʔ iʔ l̕ scʔaqʷ mɬ wiʔstisəlx. yaʕt əcknknxtwixʷəlx.
sq̓aʔxəxinak - ɬa c ɬa c w̓pulaʔxʷm swit iʔ sxʷk̓ʷlcncutn?
qʷyxnmitkʷ - ixiʔ yaʕt nixʷ ixiʔ ɬa ck̓ʷulməlx yaʕyaʕt iʔ k̓l snsw̓pulaʔxʷtn ixiʔ mɬ k̓ʷsksàɬiɬnaʔxəlx mɬ ixiʔ iliʔ kɬsəxʷk̓ʷlcncut… mat knaqs km tk̓asasil mɬ ixiʔ kʷa taliʔ xʷʔit ɬa c… txʷaʔxʷʔitəlx iʔ ksk̓ʷlcncutsəlx mɬ… mɬ kʷa yaʕt kʷu kɬpataq, kʷu kɬsƛ̓aʔcinm, yaʕyaʕt iʔ ksc̓iɬntət… xiʔ iliʔ yaʕt kʷa… xiʔ ksʔaɬiɬnaʔxəlx, kʷa taliʔ sck̓ʷulxəlx.
sq̓aʔxəxinak – ha cʔamtixʷ asnqsilxʷ ɬa cʔalilxʷtəlx?
qʷyxnmitkʷ - ki. kʷa mɬ cm ɬə ʔalilxʷtəlx mɬ cxʷuyyəlx mɬ ah… ixiʔ iʔ… iʔ s… ƛ̓x̌əx̌ƛ̓x̌aptət mɬ ixiʔ… ixiʔ way̓ cnpəpilxəlx mɬ cuntməlx “cnpəpilxwiʔ” mɬ ʔamtisəlx iʔ t… iʔ t stim kʷa t̕i sic scyaʕpmixəlx mɬ ixiʔ ʔamtisəlx mɬ kɬk… ɬə kɬxʷuyyaʔxəlx mɬ xiʔ xʷic̓xtməlx iʔ t ksc̓iɬnsəlx mat t̕xʷ iʔ t stim iʔ t… iʔ t pataq km stim… ah ixiʔ kʷa yaʕt əcʔamtxtwixʷəlx
sq̓aʔxəxinak – ha p knknxtwixʷ ɬa c… ckʷmcnm?
qʷyxnmitkʷ - ki. kʷa taliʔ cknknxtwixʷəlx mɬ x̌w̓aməlx iʔ t sƛ̓aʔcinm km iʔ t qaqxʷlx. ixiʔ yaʕt cknknxtwixʷəlx. kʷa mɬ xʷuyyəlx mɬ pix̌məlx mɬ… mɬ ah… kɬqaqxʷlxməlx… yaʔyaʔt əcknknxtwixʷəlx. lut swit t̕a cʔilxʷt.
January 29 2022
Legacy of Intent
They have to take care of their flower...lut ixíʔ x̌əwaw məł cuptm uł. people has to maintain their rights. cus, axáʔ iʔ səxʷlk̓am cxʷuy. slmis iʔ knaqs iʔ stəłtałt ti way̓ cnʔułxʷ məł iʔ asyʕalt. ha uníxʷ? nax̌mł púti ła ctxt̓stixʷ astəłtałt, cx̌sikstms, ̓ ̓ what the hell do you want? get out of here?̓ ̓ ha unixʷ ha? nax̌mł iʔ knaqs kłyltmist iʔ stəłtałt. (.46)
I don't look at it like that. and some people don't understand m̓ they say, ̓ ̓ istəłtałt?̓ ̓ ok, ̓ ̓ axáʔ̓̓ ̓ (Thomas uses his hands aggressively he pretends to throw a invisible object at someone sitting next to him),̓ ̓ oh god Thomas what you do that for?̓ ̓ just like a slap in the face cut, ̓ ̓ no, kʷ isxʷic̓łtm astəłtáłt. Some people don't understand it. just like a slap in the face ha? ƛ̓k̓ʷuʔsúsnt. I like you (slaps hands together like slapping a face.) 1.18
ixíʔ aʔ nqʷlqʷiltns iʔ ƛ̓x̌x̌ƛ̓x̌ap. that's the reason why you know that time line, you look at it. way̓ atáʔ kʷu xiʔwílx that's what kept us in the game ha? lútiʔ t xʷic̓xtmístəlx ha? iʔ lútiʔ t kmax̌qnmístəlx. iʔ lútiʔ ha? ʕac̓nt ʕapnáʔ you know. ʕapnáʔ iʔ snk̓ʕamn ʕapnáʔ ha mat? ʕapnáʔ əcc̓qʷc̓qʷaqʷəlx iʔ aʔ cxʷuyy̓əlx iʔ k̓l iʔ sutn iʔ k̓l snq̓y̓min pútiʔ c̓qʷc̓qʷaqʷəlx ixíʔ. (2.01)
uł axáʔ iʔ sutn iʔ kc̓íknaʔsəlx iʔ snk̓ʕamn mat iʔ k̓ʷiƛ̓t. kskc̓qʷaqʷmistəlx ha ixíʔ? mat txʷ aʔ cʔums iʔ sqilxʷ aʔ ck̓łyxʷlsmist. k̓łyxʷlsmist pútiʔ. mat ilí púti t̓wistəlx ilí. standing there, their heads down. ixíʔ aʔ cnʔucxtsəlx not there, their beliefs. kmax̌qnmíst, kmax̌qnmíst that's what it is. so, ixíʔ kłnqilxʷcn əksʔum nixʷ. that's what it is. kmax̌qnmístəlx ilíʔ xʷaʔspíntk. that's gone now. are they gunna stand there and cry? (2.59)
x̌ast iʔ mrimstn ak̓láʔ əctɣap iʔ siwłkʷ. qʷamqʷmt nc̓ałt ha? give you the stimulus əw god. t́i kn pix! I feel good. yeah ixíʔ mat nc̓x̌ʷiltn ixíʔ mat ixíʔ yeah ak̓láʔ iʔ skʷliwtəlx q̓sápi Margret Holme tałt ki k̓ʕamímn holy god. yʕayʕátəlx. kasmír iʔ sntxʷtxʷus. kasmír lut nax̌mł yeah tałt uł iʔ k̓ʕaməlx uł 3.41 to 3.42 (name?) tałt iʔ q̓ʷʕaylqs aʔ ckʷalkʷíl ʔix̌wá nkʷniməlx k̓ʕaməlx. ti k̓aw ixíʔ. uł ha nx̌stmintm ha ixíʔ? ha nx̌stmintm hey? kn tils lut. iʔ knaqs łə ʕaʕáć iʔ caʔkʷ way̓ cmy̓stin ixíʔ cawtsəlx u·ł ʕapnáʔ ƛ̓axʷtəlx uł cusəlx sámaʔ, ̓ ̓ short lived.̓ ̓ (4.07)
pútiʔ kʷu aláʔ kʷu kłnk̓ʷulmn. pútiʔ kʷu ksk̓awsc̓íkʷaʔx ha k̓l kʷilstn. kʷu k̓awscʕalxaʔx. uł I guess mat ckmax̌qnmístəlx pnicí tałt uł kʷa ixíʔ snk̓ʕamn k̓l (Reynold?) ik̓líʔ tałt ti təway. təwawəlx uł. uł axáʔ snk̓ʕamn by gollies ilíʔ kn kłq̓ayncút incáʔ ha iʔ tətwit məł ti kʷu łnʔullusntm. ʔix̌wá uł ti cxʷaʔxʷʔít iʔ k̓ʷiƛ̓t. yeah baptized katalík. yʕat ixíʔ nc̓spúlaʔxʷəlx. uł iʔ snk̓ʕamn kc̓ikəkna uł ik̓líʔ mat ha kʷu nslslip ʕapnáʔ? (4.57)
itlíʔ taʔ ck̓akín? stim iʔ kʷuʔ cxʷuystmʔ axáʔ ilíʔ iʔ ƛ̓x̌x̌ƛ̓x̌ap way̓ kłnixlmn cut, ̓ ̓ way̓ atá kʷu xiwílx, ik̓líʔ ta ck̓aʔkín? stim iʔ kʷuʔ cxʷuystm? nax̌mł kn tils lut kn t̓ kscútaʔx iʔ sk̓ʕam, iʔ sqlaw kn tils ti kn cut, iʔ stəłtałtət iʔ ti kʷuʔ cxʷuystm. (5.31)
by Thomas Pierre
November 17 2021
Fools Paradise
by gollies kn ƛ̓aw̓t aláʔ. Suzie caʔkʷ uł ti łip uł suxʷxʷlx iʔ lúti ixíʔ st̓k̓ʷncut. ilí x̌lap kn xʷuy yaʔx̌ís tałt uł iʔ sámaʔ. iʔ k̓l sntwmistn tałt uł. nak̓ʷm talí kt̓ík̓k̓laʔxʷ nak̓ʷm iʔ atumwpil laʔ cqʷam yeah. iʔ t st̓ik̓l mat? ixíʔ mat iʔ qʷmqʷimməlx ha? yeah. Jesus tałt uł iʔ sxʷxʷy̓umsəlx yeah. uł way̓ unixʷ əcmy̓stisəlx yʕayʕát axáʔ iʔ sutn iʔ xʷʔił mat yʕat way̓ lut t̓ ks... yeah yʕat way̓ iʔ st̓ik̓k̓laʔxʷsəlx haʔ mʕant iʔ sutn iʔ xʷʔiłsəlx ha kp̓írnaʔ. (.56)
ixíʔ uł t̓ mnimłtsəlx sck̓ʷulstsəlx ha mat łaʔ c... iʔ x̌iyax̌scútəlx yʕat iʔ stim k̓ʷulsəlx. uł yʕat iʔ stim c̓sʕap. stim c̓sʕap t̓iʔ ckp̓írnaʔ ʕapnáʔ. ki əcsak̓ʷʔuk̓ʷt. yeah əckt̓ík̓k̓naʔ floods. ʕapnáʔ you know mnimłtsəlx sck̓ʷulstsəlx. yeah ʕapnáʔ axáʔ łə kłk̓łk̓ʷƛ̓ip yʕat stim mat? iʔ sqlaw iʔ knsits yʕayʕát swit. ʕapnáʔ cxʷic̓xt mat? mat ʕapnáʔ t̓i sqlaw tali xʷʔit iʔ skłlɣaɣsəlx ha mat? yeah mat lut xkinməlx ixíʔ ha? (1.54)
mat iʔ sutn ʔumsəlx iʔ sutn, just like the depression one time. mat c̓x̌ił itíʔ nax̌mł stim iʔ ksəct̓ixʷls? even now I think they kind of maybe short of fuel now ha? without the fuel truck coming in the interior. st̓ik̓l yeah. kʷu taʔkín iʔ sq̓sápiʔs mi yʕat ixíʔ łə wy̓stisəlx iʔ sk̓stwilxs iʔ xʷʔił? nax̌mł mat ixíʔ k̓łc̓sʕap ixíʔ. mat yʕayát swit ha mat iʔ kəkalí kłyʕapsəlx mat? ha mat? you know just like q̓sápi be different than. I guess what you say the depression. ʕapnáʔ iʔ yʕat iʔ sck̓ʷulsəlx pútiʔ ilíʔ you know. like iʔ during the depression Roosevelt won ksck̓ʷulmstsəlx ha? yʕat swit sƛ̓aʔƛ̓aʔsk̓ʷulm you know. ik̓líʔ k̓ʷulsəlx iʔ tqaməlx Coulee Dam. iʔ kp̓írnaʔsəlx iʔ sqilxʷ ha? (3.12)
st̓ixʷlm ʕapnáʔ. way̓ ixíʔ kʷu wy̓ikstəlx, wy̓stisəlx ʕapnáʔ itlíʔ taʔ ck̓aʔkín iʔ ks... mat stim mat iʔ... iʔ xʷʔił mat way̓ aʔ cutan mamscutəlx stim iʔ ksk̓aliʔaʔx. (3.32)
by Thomas Pierre
November 17 2021